Mindful Psychotherapy For Emerging Women (16-30)

Mindful Psychotherapy for Emerging Women

Are you looking for support with discovering what you most want and how to put that into practice, so that you feel more secure in who you are and what you are doing with your life?

Do you ever feel worried that you aren’t figuring out how to take the actions in life or love that would be most meaningful to you? Do you have fear about where to put your attention to move forward in the way you envision? Or have a sense that something is off, but don’t know what exactly? Perhaps you don’t love the way you’re feeling and don’t know how to change it or where to turn.

I understand, and you are in the right place. Through working with me either via psychotherapy or a mix of psychotherapy and yoga, I can aide you in your path of transforming from feeling lost to developing an inner compass, so that you can make choices connected to what you care about (no matter what others want you to be). I have designed this work to address the specific life and love questions that so many women encounter as we’re discovering how to become healthy adults in a village-less and sometimes daunting culture. Working with me will offer you a safe place to explore what you’re feeling, what you want, what you don’t want and the kinds of resources you can turn to for help.

In work with me, you can expect:

Healthy Movement Toward Finding an Inner Compass, Small Steps

In learning to make new, small choices, stagnant energy and relationships start to open and move. Life is a never-ending interplay of evolving, and our growth is never complete, yet working with me can help you learn to enjoy creating your particular path and to feel confident in the choices you make from moment to moment. I will support you in learning this skill through practicing and developing mindfulness skills, through somatic/experiential and talk therapy methods, and through yoga, if you choose to include yoga.

Uncover the Patterns in Long Held Beliefs

If symptoms such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, challenging mood-swings, insomnia or addictive tendencies keep you from living the life you want, psychotherapy and yoga can help you learn to relax on the inside no matter how much pressure is going on in your school, family and social life. We will work to Uncover the experiences and long-held beliefs that create the fabric of your stuck feelings, so that you can learn how to act regardless of your mood and to make room for naturally slower days without sinking into inertia. The work is not easy, and, it is possible.

Befriend Yourself

Transform from feeling alone to becoming a better friend to yourself so that you can feel a sense of belonging, within yourself and with others. Learn how to trust yourself.

Develop Your Inner Power

Learn how to make contact with your fear, so that you can transform it into a relationship with yourself that develops your inner power, and allows you to experiment and play.

Embody Your Feminine Self

For those interested, I incorporate practices from the lens of the embodied feminine–which I have learned from a variety of spiritual and yogic feminine wisdom teachers for the past fifteen years—that focus on helping us learn how to: find enlivenment and peace in our bodies, honor the cycles in our bodies and circumstances, and experience radiance and joy in nourishing the feminine side of our nature.

Discover Your Heroic Nature

For those interested, I incorporate practices from the lens of depth psychology, which includes study of hero/heroine archetypes and narrative storytelling as a method for discovering the specific values and embodied qualities that inspire you. Heroic Nature therapeutic work involves artistic projects and assignments, as well as creative writing inquiries in the therapy room and at home, as an aide to help you discover what, specifically, most matters and inspires you. This work more resembles a therapy-through-art practice than it does an art therapy practice. Folks have shared with me that this work is a fun way to delve into the inquiry of how to articulate your particular path in the world.

Mindful Psychotherapy for Emerging Women work can help women suffering from:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief
  • Bipolar disorder
  • ADHD
  • Self Harm Issues
  • Suicidal Feelings
  • Substance and Behavioral Addictions
  • Relationship Issues
  • Intimacy Issues
  • Past Trauma
  • Spiritual Confusion
  • A Feeling of Malaise or Stuckness

For more information about my specific training, modes of psychotherapy/yoga, and influences, please read.

I invite you to contact me for a free 30-minute phone consultation.

“It takes courage to grow up and become who we really are.”

― E.E. Cummings

I welcome all genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, religions and other demographics to my practice.

Contact Kaleidoscope Psychotherapy & Yoga

Contact me to schedule a free consultation.

I’ll do my best to respond within one business day, Monday-Friday.

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