Yoga Therapy

Are you curious about yoga, but don’t know much? Have you heard that yoga may help you decrease your stress or pain, but aren’t the type to head into a sweaty yoga class? Maybe you have taken several yoga classes, but haven’t figured out how to use yoga to help you to feel more embodied, alive or vital on a daily basis. I can help.

Yoga is an extraordinary practice that can literally change your experience of being alive. Yoga is a process of becoming, or growing toward a deeper realization of our selves, through the clay of our bodies. Through a carefully-attuned and wisely-held practice, you can become more aware of yourself on a cellular level, which can help you experience joy and fulfillment, and decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression, grief, longing, or addictive thinking. My decades of experience have taught me that it is not so much that we practice yoga; it is how we practice yoga that matters most. How we practice creates the effect yoga has on our lives.

How I use Yoga in Therapy Sessions

I have been teaching yoga for well over a decade, and do engage in full sessions of yoga for clients who are attracted to yoga and want to learn how to engage in a sixty-minute session of yoga to support a specific decrease in their symptoms. I also can create a 5-30 minute practice for clients looking to start a home practice designed to support a decrease in specific symptoms. More often, I use particular yogic movements and breathwork practice within talk therapy sessions to support you in refining your capacity to feel your sensations and emotional experience, and to thus become clearer about what you are feeling and how your experiences motivate you. Using yogic movements and breathwork within therapy can help you to notice more than your conceptual ideas about your problems. Sometimes, our thoughts about what is happening are actually incongruent with what we are feeling at a bodily level. Becoming more adept at noticing changes within our bodies can help us to notice this incongruence, which can free us to make actual changes.

For more about my personal study and committed practice of yoga for the last 25 years, please read here.

I invite you to contact me for a free 30-minute phone consultation.

“The practice of Yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being.” Geeta Iyengar

I welcome all genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, religions or other demographics to my practice.

Contact Kaleidoscope Psychotherapy & Yoga

Contact me to schedule a free consultation.

I’ll do my best to respond within one business day, Monday-Friday.

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